Looking ahead…

Zandy is determined to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers in web development and graphic design. She aspires to collaborate on projects that blend cutting-edge technology, innovative design concepts, and social impact.

Work in progress…

Hey! It’s me Zandy

Born and raised in the province of Albay, Zandy exhibited a natural inclination towards art from a young age. With a passion for technology, creativity and an eye for aesthetics she has carved a niche for herself as an exceptional artist.

Growing up, she was captivated by the endless possibilities offered by computers and the internet. Simultaneously, her artistic inclinations flourished as she spent hours sketching, coding, developing and exploring various artistic mediums. These early interests laid the foundation for her unique career path as a girl web developer and graphic artist.

Zandy pursued a comprehensive education to nurture her talents. She studied computer science with a specialization in web development. Simultaneously, she was trained by the school for courses in graphic design, web development and search engine optimization.

She consistently showcased her versatility and ability to bridge the gap between technology and art which lead her to be employed by the school company.

Driven by her ambitious spirit, Zandy eventually ventured into freelancing. Allowing her to have creative control over her projects and work directly with clients who shared her vision. She thrived on the opportunity to bring her clients’ ideas to life, combining her technical expertise and artistic sensibilities to create memorable and impactful digital experiences.

Blog at WordPress.com.